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Types Of Foundation Piers

Our team at Stay Dry Waterproofing uses two types of foundation piers, push piers and helical piers to stabilize and lift homes, that have sunken, back to their original position. Push piers are a type of pier that is inserted underneath the foundation of the home and use hydraulic pressure to push the pier into the ground. Helical piers are constructed much like a giant screw and are twisted into the ground until they hit bedrock. Once these piers reach bedrock your home is then lifted back into position and stabilized by the piers.

Pier Tech Foundation Piers

Foundation PiersOur team carries both push piers and helical piers from Pier Tech. Pier Tech is a leading manufacturer of foundation repair products and foundation piers. Take a look below to learn more about each type of foundation pier.

Helical Piers & Helical Piles

Helical piers, also known as helical piles or screwpiles, are foundation solutions used to secure new or repair existing foundations. They are most commonly used whenever the soil conditions surrounding the foundation of your home. Helical piers are easy to install and in some cases require no excavation work to be installed. This cuts down on installation time and requires little soil disturbance, most importantly it transfers the weight of your home or building to load-bearing soil.

Push Piers & Piles

Push piers are similar to helical piers in that they are designed to lift and stabilize the foundation of your home or commercial building. These piers require a small amount of excavation as the bracket needs to be installed on the foundation before installation. Once installed hydraulic pressure is used to drive a pier into the ground until it reaches stable soil. They can be installed on either new or existing foundations and will stabilize the home from settlement.


Helical piers are needed for a number of residential and commercial applications. Over time your foundation can begin to settle, either due to improperly compacted soil or large amounts of moisture. To repair the foundation properly, and to ensure that the building is stabilized, we can install helical piers.

Contact Our Team For Foundation Settlement Repair Today

If you are experiencing foundation settlement in your home we can help. It is important that you have a professional foundation repair team assist you with any foundation issues. Foundation settlement issues cannot be corrected with DIY repairs. Contact our experts today online or by calling (614) 930-6919 to schedule and inspection and repair estimate.

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